Today Is Present
Today Is Present

Nike Community Stores

Nike Community Stores

How does Nike empower local communities through the unifying power of sport and be a catalyst for positive change in each area a store is located?

Our team partnered with Nike NADTC and individual stores ambassadors to launch and design six of their Nike Community Stores. 

As ACD, led teams on insights, concepting, naming, identity, photo art direction, and design direction for marketing, retail, activations, OOH, and social.

Nike Community Stores located in East LA, Brooklyn, DC, New Orleans, Tuscaloosa and South Chicago.

tether (agency) / ECD: Matt Schmunk /  ACD: Cynthia Tuan / retail ACD: Michael Mankowski / research + writing: Leighann Franson /
design: Caitlin Robinson, Jim Ward,  Dan Zimmerman / Retail Photography: Charles Chesnut / animation: dan Kelly